
We're busy working on various improvements and new features for Cyclescape, and we know there are usability things still needing work. So we'd really welcome your views on what your priorities for improvement would be.

We'll be also including comments received in our report to funding bodies that we've obtained a grant from.

All comments submitted are anonymous - please be as honest as you can!

What do you like most about Cyclescape?: *

What do you like least about Cyclescape?: *

Have you used the Planning applications tab [link opens in a new window] on your 'My Cyclescape' page? Do you or your group look at planning applications (proposals by developers for new buildings), and what could we do to make the process easier for you?: *

Do you receive Cyclescape discussions by e-mail?: *

Which campaign group (if any) on Cyclescape are you a member of?:

Our ref:
Please leave blank - anti-spam measure

* Items marked with an asterisk [*] are required fields and must be fully completed.